Cook Park Library Now Open!
>> Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Children’s Wing Grand Opening on Saturday, January 15 proved to be quite successful too with storytimes, face painting and a special presentation by entertainer and juggler Ken Schultz, “The Flying Fool”. So many children attended his two performances that parents had to wait outside the meeting room!
This beautiful library is much more than a building filled with books, dvds, cds, and magazines. We hope you will find our library to be a refuge. A place to not only find information, but a place you can escape to; a place where the community can come together. For us the library is the heart of a community and we are so pleased to be back!
There are many others who were involved with the completion and success of this project who deserve our warmest thanks:
Studio GC
Maggio Construction
The Friends of the Cook Memorial Public Library District
Rob Broms of Recordahit
Robert Merritt
Our clarinet quartet members; Colleen Caniff, Eric Leech, Jackie Hong, and Emmy Bjerre-Jensen
Ken Schultz
Miss Libertyville Alyssa Zizzo
Junior Miss Libertyville Ashley Muller
Little Miss Libertyville Arianna Berner
Finally, thank you to all our patrons for your patience during the long construction phase!